
How To Send An Ask On Tumblr

This article is about How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously. So read this free guide, How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us. So Lets begin this guide:

  • Guide: How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously
  • Run an anonymous question
  • On the desktop
  • On the Mobile App
  • Encounter problems
  • How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously: benefits
  • Faq
  • Final note

Guide: How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously

Tumblr questions are great. Unlike posts, they let you ask meaningful questions that blog admins can then choose to answer publicly in post format. There really is nothing quite like publishing your question on a popular Tumblr blog, not to mention the attention and publicity that results!

However, there are always privacy concerns to be concerned about, and if your question is of a sensitive nature, it doesn't bode well to splash your name on an answered question. Nor the possible embarrassment of sounding silly.

Fortunately, Tumblr offers the option to let you perform questions anonymously. And yes, you can even do that on the mobile app.

But there are several criteria that must be met so if you are having trouble using the feature, you will also discover why.

Run an anonymous question

Before you start, there is one thing you should know right away. The Tumblr blog you will be interacting with must have the question feature turned on so people can start using it – the feature is disabled by default, so don't expect every blog to have it enabled.

And even then, the blog must also have Anonymous Questions enabled. Usually, any admin who has enabled questions also takes that extra step to enable anonymous questions – but again, don't be surprised if not.

On the desktop

If you're using a browser, Tumblr lets you launch the question box in three different ways. The first method requires you to be logged into your Tumblr account, while the other two methods do not require it unless you encounter Tumblr's safe mode restriction, in which case you must log in.

From your Tumblr dashboard, click a blog in your followed Tumblrs list or from the search results. That should start the blog in a special side window. Then you just need to click on the message icon at the top of the window. On the context menu that appears up, click Ask a question.

Tumblr Ask anonymous questions 1

You can also click the Ask Me Anything option under the Tumblr user avatar when visiting a blog directly.

Tumblr Ask anonymous questions 2

Or you can add /questions at the end of a blog URL to open the question box.

Tumblr Ask anonymous questions 3 Note: If you don't see any of these options, or if adding '/ ask' to the URL doesn't work up the question box, then the question feature is not enabled on that particular blog.

On the question box, you should see a toggle labeled Ask Anonymous. Turn it on and you should see your username change to 'anonymous', complete with your avatar representing anonymity.

If you started the question box without logging in to your account, you should be in anonymous mode by default.

Tumblr Ask anonymous questions 4 Note: If you don't see the Anonymous Questions switch, it means the blog has no Anonymous Questions enabled.

Enter your question in the question box. While it is in the end up up to you to decide how to phrase the question, know that your question can eventually be published for all to see – try not to sound too casual or serious Tumblr blog administrators will just ignore your question.

Also, keep the question below 500 characters – the question box doesn't provide a way to tell how far you are until you've used up all available characters, so get straight to the point.

When you are done, click Ask to submit your question.

On the Mobile App

While the Tumblr mobile app is quite intuitive in what it does, that's really not the case when it comes to running an anonymous query. However, it's easy if you know how, provided, of course, that the blog has anonymous questions enabled in the first place.

In the header of a Tumblr blog, tap the post icon. If questions are enabled for the blog, you should see the Questions option. Tap it.

Tumblr Ask anonymous questions 5

Tumblr Ask anonymous questions 6

Now comes the tricky part. There's no built-in slider or anything like it on a desktop, but you see that little 'public' status label? Just tap on it and you should see the question status switch to 'Anonymous'. Of course, it doesn't change if the blog doesn't have anonymous questions enabled.

Tumblr Ask anonymous questions 7

Tumblr Ask anonymous questions 8

Now, it's just a matter of putting your question together. Unlike on desktop, the mobile ask box has a handy character counter to make sure you don't go overboard. When you are done, tap ASK to submit your question.

Encounter problems

Aside from the fact that anonymous questions should be enabled by whatever blog you want to send the question to, there are a few other reasons why you might run into trouble when it comes to submitting your questions.

First, there's a limit to the maximum number of anonymous requests you can send per day, which works out to just five. In addition, your total query limit is 10 searches per day, but unfortunately that includes your total number of anonymous questions.

Tip If you are not signed in, try clearing your browser cookies after every five anonymous requests to send as many as you want!

Second, don't go overboard with links, emoticons, or line breaks. There is a known issue with the feature where too many items seem to mess around up the call box. So keep that in mind until Tumblr patches the thing for good.

So all questions about this strange yet wonderful featureThe comments section is directly below.

How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously: benefits

  • The How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously tutorial is free .
  • This guide already helps so many users follow up with interest in a timely manner.
  • The price of the How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously guide is free.


Tutorial summary of How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously

In this guide, we told you about the How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously; please read all steps so that you understand How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us.

How this tutorial helping you?

So in this guide, we discuss the How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously, which undoubtedly helps you.

What is actual time in which this method complete?

The time to complete the How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously tutorial is 10+ minutes.

What are the supported Device?

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Ask Ques­tions on Tum­blr PC and Mobile App Anony­mously. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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How To Send An Ask On Tumblr


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