
How To Add A Link To A Website

Adding hyperlinks to a web page

Creating a hyperlink to another of your pages

  • Select the text you want to be a hyperlink. The text you select should exactly match the name of the page it will link to. This may mean rewriting the text a little. For example instead of typing 'Click here for more information', you should use 'See <name of page> for more information', and select <name of page> as the hyperlink
  • Click the Hyperlink icon
  • When the Create Hyperlink window appears, select the file you want to link to.

Create Hyperlink dialogue box

  • FrontPage lists first all the pages that you have open for editing. This can be a useful feature if you have open a page within a subfolder that you want to link to as it saves you having to open the subfolder in which it is stored. If you want to link to a page within a subfolder of your Web that isn't already open, just double-click on the subfolder from the list and then select the relevant page
  • Click OK

Creating a hyperlink to a page on the internet

  • Open the browser you normally use to access the internet
  • Go to the web address you want to link to - eg
  • Right-click in the address/ location field and select Copy
  • Switch from the browser back to FrontPage
  • Select the text you want to be the hyperlink
  • Click the Hyperlink icon Create Hyperlink icon
  • When the Create Hyperlink window appears, delete all the text in the URL field ('URL' is another name for the address/ location). You can remove the 'http://' because when you copied the address from the browser, you included that part as well
  • Right-click and select Paste
  • Click OK - the text will now have become a hyperlink

Creating a hyperlink to a bookmark

  • Select the text you want to use as a bookmark
  • Select Insert > Bookmark from the main toolbar

Bookmark dialogue box

  • You'll see that the letter you selected has also become the name of the bookmark. On any page, bookmark names have to be unique but there is also another constraint you should be aware of
  • Our best practice advice is not to have spaces in file or folder names and this advice also applies to bookmark names. The reason is that some browsers don't understand bookmark names that contain spaces and clicking the link won't scroll the page
  • To avoid this problem, either remove all the spaces or separate the words using just hyphens - or underscores _
  • Click OK to create the bookmark. You'll see in FrontPage that the bookmarked text has a broken line beneath it; this doesn't show in the browser
  • At the top of the page, select the text that you want to become a link to a bookmark
  • Click the Hyperlink icon on the main toolbar Create Hyperlink icon
  • The Create Hyperlink window will appear
  • From the bookmark drop-down menu select the bookmark you have just created

Create Hyperlink dialogue box

  • Click OK

Checking and fixing links

  • Switch to the Reports view. Drag the Reports toolbar till it docks beneath the formatting drop-down menus if necessary
  • You should see the Site Summary report displayed - if not, select View > Reports > Site Summary
  • Click the Broken Hyperlinks report
    • Note: if you rename a file from within FrontPage as our best practice guidance suggests, FrontPage will automatically fix any links that might be broken as a result
  • Unverified hyperlinks are links to pages outside of your FrontPage Web, either on the LSE Web server or other Internet addresses
  • To validate the unknown links click the Verify Hyperlinks icon (a link with a red tick underneath)
  • When the Verify Hyperlinks window appears, click the Start button
  • FrontPage will now visit each link and report back if there is a page at the address specified. If you look along the status bar at the bottom of the window you should the numbers of broken internal and broken external hyperlinks
  • Right-click the broken hyperlink and select Edit Page. The page will open in the Page view with the broken link already selected
  • Click the Hyperlink icon as before when creating a hyperlink
  • When the Edit Hyperlink icon appears, select the correct page if the link points to one of your web pages or paste the correct address from the browser if the link goes to an address beyond your pages
  • Click OK and save the page

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How To Add A Link To A Website


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